EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church service, Church services act your part in, with promptness 5T 609    [317]
    pass out from, without jostling and loud talking 5T 493-4
    pass quietly to seat at 5T 492
    passion is inappropriate in CG 543
    permit nothing savoring of unchristian and unloving spirit to enter 5T 608
    persons absenting themselves from, duty of MYP 140-1
    persons continually talking to each other during sermon of, angels mark doings of 5T 493
    persons faithfully attending, are written in book of remembrance EW 114
    place for holding See Church building
    place of: common talking and whispering are out of place in 5T 492
       day school should not be held in CG 543
       laughing should not be permitted in 5T 492
       respect should be shown for 5T 608
       should be regarded as sacred Ed 242-3
       should not be used for business purposes CG 542-3;5T 496;
       should not be used for lunchroom CG 542-3
       talking and whispering that should find no sanction in 5T 492
       teach children to regard, as sacred Ed 242-3
    plans for, need of well-matured 4T 71
    pray for God’s blessing when you attend 1T 146
    prayer inaudibly uttered in, is not edifying CT 241