EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church service, Church services act your part in, with promptness 5T 609    [317]
       need of PK 49;2SG 288-9;5T 491;
    review often your spiritual condition during 5T 492
    Roman Catholic, described GC 566-7
    rules needed re time, place, and manner of worship in 5T 491
    SS’s relationship to 3T 188-9
    sale of merchandise in, ministers’ duty re 1T 471
    Satan attends GC 518-9
    Satan does not force men to stay away from 2T 294
    Scripture reading in, duty of persons who give Ev 508;6T 380;
    seek greater blessing from 6T 362-3
    self-esteem is inappropriate in CG 543
    selfishness is inappropriate in CG 543
    self-respect during, show that you have MYP 266
    sermon of: do not talk to each other during MYP 266
       listen attentively to 5T 493
       little child may divert hearers’ attention from 5T 493
    See also Sermon
    SDA, too much formality in 5T 318
    should be made: interesting EW 114;2T 579;4T 132-3;
       instructive 2T 579