EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church service, Church services act your part in, with promptness 5T 609    [317]
       intensely interesting 5T 609
    should be sacred and precious occasion 5T 607
    silence during, sweet eloquence in 5T 492
    simplicity in, need of Ev 512
       true ministers are content with Ev 502
    simplicity should exist in hearts during 2T 579
    sinful habits practiced during MYP 265
    singing in See Singing
    sleeping in, let there be no 6T 361
       perilous results of 5T 493
    soiled and dirty clothes should not be worn in 5T 499
    solemn awe should be on worshipers as they enter CG 543
    song in See Song
    speaker at, pray for 6T 363
    stillness should reign in 2SG 288-9
    study of God’s word in, give principal attention to Ev 502
    subject of thought in, God should be 5T 499
    talking during sermon at, shows little reverence for the house and worship of God 5T 493
    tedious and wearisome, long prayers make 2T 577
    time of, should be regarded as sacred Ed 242-3