EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church service, Church services act your part in, with promptness 5T 609    [317]
    holy stillness should reign in CG 540
    how angels are brought near to 5T 492-3
    how Bible should be regarded when read in 5T 84
    humility needed in CG 540
    hymns for, selection of Ev 506
    idle conversation at, too much 4T 73
    in fallen nominal churches, described EW 116
    inattention during, is out of place 5T 497
    indifference in, is out of place 5T 497
    indulgence in external adorning that is inappropriate for 5T 499
    institutional workers should attend 7T 201
       as much as possible CH 422
    interest in, should be kept up till the last 5T 609
    irreverence in: is recorded in books of heaven CG 547
       manifested by improper clothing 5T 499
       too much 5T 496-7
    jargon and discord in, God is not pleased by 1T 146
    jesting at, too much 4T 73
    lack of interest in, displeases God 4T 541
       marriage plans should not cause AH 50-1;MYP 459-60;