EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

City, Cities   [734]
    wealthy men will be used by God to open doors for truth in Ev 87
    why much is lost in evangelizing Ev 42
    wickedness in, few people have any conception of 9T 93
       sincere souls found in midst of COL 234
    will become much more difficult to work 8T 32
    youth educated in, surrounded by influences like those of Noah’s time FE 422
8. Overseas
    Australian: sanitariums needed in MM 326
       SDA need to work in many MM 326
       unworked and neglected Ev 428
    England’s, greater work must be done in 6T 26
    Europe, unworked cities of, neglected Ev 428
    France’s, need to be warned LS 304
    Germany’s, need to be warned LS 304
9. Relation of SDA families to
    country is more favorable than, for Sabbath observance 2SM 359
    do not move hastily and fly out of 2SM 362-3
    educate God’s people to get out of AH 373
       into country 2SM 142
    education that will encourage SDA to move out of MM 267-8