EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

City, Cities   [734]
    wickedness of, Christian character formed more easily in country than amid Ev 46
10. Religious needs and work in
    aggressive gospel work in, needed Ev 59
    all classes in, make efforts to preach truth to Ev 47;MM 313;
    angels help believers who warn MM 303
    believers in, must work for God in their neighborhood 9T 128
    camp meetings in, results of holding Ev 82
    camp meetings should be held in Ev 21, 79
    centers for gospel work in, secure humble and inexpensive places for MM 305-6
    centers must be established in all 8T 60, 71
       unacquainted with God’s work 8T 205
    Christian should be missionary for Christ in his 2T 632
    Christian trusting in God in, will not be corrupted 4T 285
    churches are to be raised up in every Ev 377;MM 309;
    church buildings needed in CS 279-80;2SM 358;
    church members living in, duty of MM 332
    city after, needing evangelistic work Ev 21
    city to: God’s work is to go from MM 335
       SDA work must be carried quickly from MM 302
       warning message must go from Ev 19, 428