EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

City, Cities   [734]
       more difficult now than a few years ago CH 547
       most favorable time for, has passed CH 555-6;Ev 31;MM 310;
       most popular halls may be rented at times for Ev 75
       physicians and ministers must work together in CH 543-8;MM 304;
       portable tabernacle recommended for Ev 76
       SDA plans for, Satan seeks to defeat Ev 75
       successful, wisdom needed from God for 9T 133
       tents for Ev 76
       use for, every means devised to make truth stand out distinctly 9T 109
       young men should work with ministers in 9T 119
    evangelists should give startling messages in 9T 137
    evangelistic efforts in, church members should help in Ev 338
    evangelistic work has scarcely touched many Ev 37
    evangelistic work in: angels will second Ev 38
       capable men needed for Ev 38
       do more 7T 115
       is difficult Ev 36
       means will be brought into God’s cause by Ev 62, 89
       strong and solid, money needed for Ev 42
       will cost money Ev 39