EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

City, Cities   [734]
       See also 7. Large (evangelistic work in)
    evangelize Ev 61-2;MM 299;9T 101;
    evangelize again, where advent message was first given 9T 123
    failure to lift up God’s standard in 9T 139
    far greater work must be done for God in LS 418-9;MM 334;
    God calls for great work to be done in Ev 37
    God has honest souls in all Ev 463
    God has work for His servants to do in 5T 465
    gospel must be proclaimed in Ev 559;1SM 84;
    gospel work needed in Ev 47
    gospel work in Ev 46-7;MM 263;7T 34-6;
       capable youth needed to do Ev 586
       essential now MM 304, 331
       extravagance or display should not attend 7T 38
       hasten Ev 30
       how to do 9T 128-30
       means needed for CG 134
       men of consecration and talent needed for ChS 199;Ev 34;
       now is opportune time for MM 300
       outpost should be established outside for Ev 76-7;2SM 358;