EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

City, Cities   [734]
       result of, as God would have it done MM 331
       Satan will work mightily to hinder Ev 100
    gospel work properly done in, will set in operation mighty movement hitherto not witnessed MM 304, 331
    gospel workers in: house-to-house work must be done by Ev 430;7T 38;
       must calmly, steadily, and devotedly educate the people 9T 109-10
       must guard against excitement and fanaticism GW 316
       must not imperil their health Ev 72
       need encouragement Ev 72;MM 309;
       should frequently meet for counsel and prayer MM 300
       should live outside of them 2SM 358
       should read Hebrews 10 and 11 7T 40
    gospel workers laboring in, retreats needed for MM 308
    gospel workers of different capabilities need to work unitedly in 9T 109
    gospel workers should be provided homes outside of MM 308
    halls for evangelism in, tact needed to secure Ev 75
    health reform work in, opportunities for CD 473
    heart of, small sanitariums are not to be located in MM 159
    house-to-house work needed in Ev 430
    how to interest people of, in SDA message 9T 109
    how truth must be carried to people in 6T 73