EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    improper, God is dishonored by 2SM 474-5
    indifference re, rebuked CG 428;2SM 474-5;
    many believers need instruction re 6T 355
    neat and trim, needed without adornment 6T 355
    need of neat, well-fitting, and comely 2SM 474-5
    needs to be neat, clean, and orderly 5T 499
    show sacred regard for: Sabbath day by your 2SM 476
       worship of God by your 2SM 476
    soiled and dirty, do not wear 5T 499
    special care needed re 1T 275
    showy, do not dishonor God’s sanctuary by 5T 499
    special suit should be worn as 2SM 474;6T 355;
    unclean, do not worship God in CG 428;SR 138;
    See also Church service
6. For Sabbath 2SM 474-6;6T 355;
    clean and fitting, needed 2SM 474-5
    common clothing worn during week should not be used as CG 428;2SM 475;6T 355;
    do not be indifferent re CG 428;6T 355;
    do not wear: in slovenly manner CG 428;2SM 474;
       that is dusty, soiled, and torn 2SM 475