EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       blood vitalization and purification hindered by MH 292
       functions of internal organs hindered by MH 292
       chest and lungs ill affected by MH 292
       internal organs cramped and crowded out of place by MH 292
       no part of body should be made uncomfortable by MH 382
    costly (expensive): children should be trained to avoid AH 386;CS 295-6;
       children should not wear COL 83
       Christians may deny Christ by 1T 304
       do not cultivate taste for 2SM 188;6T 441;
       do not spend God’s money for CG 421
       do not wear 4T 646
       does not give character to gospel work 2SM 202
       does not give SDA influence CH 292
       envy awakened in children’s companions by COL 83
       erroneous thinking re MH 213-4
       how God regards indulgence of desire for CS 54
       not as necessary as good supply of food MH 322
       people who sigh for 5BC 1087;SD 75;
       persons who tax their purses and ingenuity to provide FE 69
       pride encouraged in children by COL 83;CT 141;