EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
professed believers who feel no scruples against
4T 645
professed Christians spend much money on
MH 207
professed Christians wear, while God’s poor lack necessaries of life
SD 57
stifles desire to do good
4T 645
dirty (soiled): deformed character does not disturb mother so much as
4T 643
influence of mother who wears
CH 102
disgusting to unbelievers, avoid
1T 460
extravagant: base passions awakened in heart of beholder by
4T 645
lust encouraged in wearer’s heart by
4T 645
parents frequently dress children in
CG 434
persons who spend money for
COL 371
sinners have indulged in
1T 269
fashionable: body displacements and deformities caused by
4T 635