EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    inconsistent with SDA faith, terrible sin of wearing 4T 647-8
    lung congestion caused by 2SM 469-70
    mind depraved by CD 62
    needlessly expensive, money professed Christians spend for MH 287
    not in accord with Scriptures, do not adopt 2SM 476
    people surround themselves with unchristian atmosphere by 5T 78
    pilgrim’s, of certain shape or color not our duty to wear TM 130
    pride buds and blossoms in 7BC 941
    ragged, God does not like to see His people wear CH 103
    rich, avails nothing at death Te 140
       persons who crowd their wardrobe with DA 639-40
    rich and expensive, how God regards indulgence of desires for CS 54
    ruinous, self-indulgence in 2SM 282
    shabby and ill-fitting, many women stay away from church because of their MH 207
    showing vanity and shallow pride in wearer CG 420
    showy: base passions awakened in heart of beholder by 4T 645
       lust encouraged in wearer’s heart by 4T 645
       children should not wear COL 83
       pride encouraged in children by COL 83;CT 141;
       envy awakened in children’s companions by COL 83