EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    devotion to: Christ notices CG 415
       in nine cases out of ten Satan secures whole family to CG 434
       involves robbery toward God MYP 360
       world neglects mind and morals in 4T 142
    display in: at social gatherings CT 340;TM 83;
       avoid MYP 349;2SM 476;
       character development is more important than MH 291
       Christian simplicity sacrificed for 4T 631
       families spend much time for CG 435
       forbidden MH 287
       life too short to be squandered in 3T 146
       little thought should be given to CSW 67
       made more important than adornment of character 4T 643
       money wasted in MYP 355;4T 633;
       needless, Decalogue violated by using God’s money and time for 4T 632
       rivalry of AH 151
       time wasted in MYP 355;4T 629, 633;
    distributed unequally over body, ill effects of MH 293
    do not: be neglectful in CG 428
       dishonor Christ by 4T 143