EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       encourage any to center religion in CG 429
       follow natural inclinations re CG 429-30
       lavish means on CG 421
       make and trim, in imitation of world 5T 131
    do not wear, in lax and untidy manner CG 415
    erroneous ideas re CG 428;2SM 475;
    errors in, result of conversion from CH 222
    excessive, do not become subject of remarks by CG 415
    excessive amount of: disease caused by 2T 524
       how skin is affected by 2T 526
       invalid women accustomed to 2T 533-4
       skin debilitated by 3T 74
       skin hindered by, in performance of its office 2T 524
       system debilitated by 2T 524
       warning against wearing of 2T 524;3T 74;
    extravagance in MM 167;3T 366;
       at no time show 1T 465
       avoid MYP 346;4T 571;TM 180;
       God’s people must turn from 3T 62
       God’s treasury robbed by 5T 10