EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
makes Christian ridiculous in eyes of worldlings
4T 641
must not be permitted in church
1T 136
preachers should do more than assail
CS 291
ruin of character frequently preceded by indulgence in
4T 645
thousands of dollars spent yearly in gratifying
5T 205
women earning good wages spend nearly all in gratifying
5T 156
professed Christians too concerned re, fate of
1SM 81
sad mistake many make in
4T 633
Sabbathkeepers neglectful of, cause unbelievers to regard them as degraded
1T 275-6
exert influence that hurts truth
MYP 353
san. workers who have no conscientious scruples re
CH 261
sin of being satisfied with enough food and
AH 382
slack or untidy in, never be
Ev 672