EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    comfortable 1T 424;TM 180;
    commends itself to judgment of candid minds 2T 66
    conforms to: Bible standard 4T 640
       character of SDA work Ev 542
       God’s word MYP 350;2SM 476-7;1T 459;
       SDA faith 1T 424, 458;5T 128;3T 366;
    convenient MYP 350;2SM 476;1T 458-9, 462;
    correct taste in, not to be despised or condemned MYP 353
    does not: bring wearer into favor with God 2T 174
       cramp lungs Ed 199
       hinder free and full respiration CG 425;MH 293;
       hinder walking 1T 459
       make SDA a peculiar people FE 311;LS 350;
       obstruct blood circulation CG 425;MH 293;
    durable ChS 28-9
       EGW believed it her duty to wear 1T 252
    economical 1T 462
    extremities properly covered by 2SM 479;1T 459, 461;2T 531-2;4T 635;
    fits easily CG 425;MH 293;
    full respiration permitted by Ed 199