EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       exercise 2T 529
       service MH 288
    suited to wearer’s: age MH 293;4T 142;
       condition of health MH 293
       occupation MH 293
       station in life 4T 142
       surroundings MH 293
       taste without conflicting with God’s word 1T 252
    suspended from shoulders 2SM 473
    sweet and respectable CG 110
    symbolic 6T 96
    tells for God 1T 132;4T 633-4;
    temperance in CH 432;Te 243;
       essential 6T 374
       practice MM 275;MYP 307;
       principle of religious life 6T 375
       stand on broad platform of CG 409
    testifies of wearer’s consecration to God 5T 189
    truth is recommended to unbelievers by 2T 612
    unadorned ChS 28-9;4T 640;