EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    vision given re, on Jan. 3, 1875 4T 637
    was in advance of wearing of hoops 1T 465
    when EGW avoided all questions and answered no letters re 4T 637
    EGW did not make, a test question 4T 637
    EGW spoke on 1T 654, 656
    why, was introduced among SDA 4T 634
    See also American costume; Reform dress
15. Styles (modes or fashions) of
    attendance at church service is affected by 4T 631
    be separate from world in FE 311
    changing MYP 350
       elaborate and costly ornamentation required by MH 290
       evil effects of Ed 246;MH 290;
       heavy burden imposed by, on middle and poor classes MH 290
       squandering of time and means as result of MH 290
    children soon subjected to influence of MH 291
    Christian, SDA would not need to change their mode if world adopted MYP 350;2SM 476;1T 424, 458;
    Christians seek to imitate worldlings in 2BC 1013
    common, testimony given to correct evils of 1T 458
    conforming to health principles, may be followed CG 414