EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    ministers can do most precious ministry by TM 317
    ministers can obtain varied experience by TM 317
    ministers cautioned not to divert men from 6T 323
    ministers having had experience in, can speak intelligently regarding it 6T 321
    ministers who ought to be in 4T 389-90
    ministerial evangelist engaged in, does work as important as that of preaching to congregation on Sabbath CM 45
    ministerial work is strengthened by 6T 315-6
    more difficulties in, than in some other branches of business CM 34;5T 399;
    more general interest needed in CM 16
    more important than many have regarded it 5T 405
    more presentation of Christ needed in CM 42
    neatness in dress is important in CM 65
    neglect, no longer CM 16
    never leave, to languish ChS 145;CM 104;6T 329;
    new life should be infused into 6T 329
    new workers should be trained for 6T 328
    not everyone is fitted for 4T 390
    object of, is high and elevating 5T 405
       is to direct minds to solemn truths for this time 6T 319
    old and young needed in 6T 331