EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Comfort, Comforts Christ ever had word of, for the needy and oppressed GW 121    [64]
    angels minister, through Christ TMK 328.4
       followers to give RC 219.6
       presence brings HP 188.3
(consolation), in trial may bring happiest period of life RC 355.2
    examining God’s promises brings TMK 213.4
    find time to bring, to another heart OHC 64.5
    followers of Christ bring, to those cast down TDG 311.5
    forfeited by neglecting communion RC 207.4
    given those who walk with Christ UL 131.4
       has provided everything needed for our TDG 162.6
       offers, to worshipers TMK 263.3
       wants us to draw near Him to give us TMK 246.6
    God’s promises give, to develop fruits of the Spirit UL 15.5
    Holy Spirit,
       brings, to heart 2MCP 492.0
       invited for, in place of despondency TDG 305.2
    imparted by those partaking of living water TMK 370.5
    in old age UL 164