EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Communion   [109]
    closer, greater activity requires MH 136;7T 194;
    constant, need of 6T 48
       trust that comes through CH 593
    daily, Christian cannot gain power for service without CT 323
       teaches Christian to place His estimate on men 4T 568
    danger of neglecting COL 52
    direct, before the Fall man had Ed 15-6, 21;PP 184;SC 17;
       since the Fall man has not had DA 116;GC 5;
    do not neglect GC 622;6T 47;
    each believer is to have TM 486
    effects of 40 years of, on Moses Ed 65
    Enoch had certain periods for 3SG 56
    Enoch was steadfast in PP 86-7
    good thoughts encouraged by MYP 247;4T 624;
    habitual, church needs members who have 6T 64
    highest education found in AA 126;Ed 14;
    holy mountain not essential to DA 189
    hours of, too sacred to be slept away 4T 282
    hurried prayer offered now and then is not 5T 161
    importance of, for gospel workers FE 109;MH 58;