EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Conference president, Conference presidents GW 413-21;1SM 165;9T 277-80;TM 319-46, 494-6;    [114]
    spirit and demeanor of, what is revealed by TM 496
    spirit of authority should not be exercised by TM 496
    spirit of domination in TM 362-3
    success of, depends much on overcoming appetite CD 162;MM 296;
    trying to serve both God and mammon 5T 379
    unfaithful shepherds among 5T 380
    untried men should not be elected as 5T 619
    voting on his plans and propositions should not be rushed by 9T 278
    weak and inefficient GW 414-5;TM 323;
    wife and children of, may be his enemies TM 327-8
    wise, recognizes talent in others TM 328-9
    work of, God’s constant grace needed in TM 328
    sympathy given to women by Ev 460-1
    zealous activity needed on part of TM 343