EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Conscience   [485]
    Spirit will not work through another man’s, to reach yours 7T 214
    Spirit’s influence sensitizes 3BC 1150
    standpoint of, medical students should be educated from 9T 175
    stifling of, heart made callous by 8T 95
       seeds of unbelief sown by COL 84
    student’s, should not be subject to teacher’s control FE 58
       teacher should not seek to be 3T 134
    taught of God, each person must have MM 123
    tedious prayers fail to convict 4T 261
    tells people when they hear truth Ev 201
    temptations confuse AA 299
       when soul refuses to fully surrender to God 6T 92
    tenderness of, dissipation causes loss of Te 274
    trifling spirit blunts 3T 225
    truth must control 2SM 125
    turning from light pointing to duty blunts CD 49
    understanding and, unite in serving God 1BC 1096
    unhealthful diet stupefies CD 426;FE 143;MH 384-5;3T 569;
    violation of: Pilate took step after step in DA 732
       loss of moral power caused by 4T 234