EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Conscience   [485]
    authority assigned to; do not misuse it 1MCP 319.1
    awakened by leaven of truth HP 21.4
       by truth by words of minister with Spirit of God VSS 320.2
       for quitting the use of meat TDG 210.8
    biased and warped by preconceived opinions 1MCP 322.4
    Bible a book for FLB 20.8
    blunted, sin may be termed little by OHC 81.4
    body appetites and passions brought under control of Con 74.3
    character transformation needed to have a good 1MCP 320.2
    Christlike one has, sensitive to sin NL 57.2
    Christlikeness in 3SM 130.2
    cleansed and refined by obedience TMK 174.5
       before God and man OHC 143.5
       choosing right and refusing wrong with TMK 290.2
       Jacob would have been strong if he had had TDG 323.2
       not preserved without struggle HP 149.2
       sharp mind needed for, in God’s work 2MCP 407.1
    condemnation of, worldlings suffer anxiety from TDG 264.4
    confession without repentance hardens TDG 134.5