EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Conscience   [485]
    convictions of, must reach heart and purify the soul 1MCP 324.2
       defiled by lewdness, at Baal-peor CC 115.2
       not asleep; he was aware of his sin TMK 242.3
       then idolatry practiced TSB 84.1
    demon intelligence hurts when it can’t control UL 285.3
    depending on another as OHC 341.3
    dictates of own, must control acts RC 138.5
    education of, permitted in order to learn truth TDG 112.4
    emotions and passions to be controlled by OHC 87.3
    endangered by calling work of God fanaticism TDG 52.3
       by God OHC 143.3
       needed for influence to be saving RC 208.5
       social pressure when following UL 109.2
    evil done without, in churches 3SM 416.1
    eye of soul used to estimate good and evil 1MCP 323.1
    freedom of,
       in worship, should be sought 3SM 384.1
       removed by violated consciences 1MCP 321.4