EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Conscience   [485]
    gift of, to feel claims of God’s moral law OHC 137.2
    God alone is to guide; preach truth in openings 2MCP 709.1
    good and bad OHC 143.2;1MCP 323.4;2MCP 725.2;
    guided by working with the Great Teacher OHC 306.3
       appeal to one with TSB 144.4
       by least departure from integrity OHC 266.5
       danger of TMK 242.4
       sensitivity renewed in, by right course 1MCP 323.3
       through the deceitfulness of sin TMK 287.3
       trail of misery in, left by serpent TDG 33.3
    harmony lacking among people’s; some are dead 1MCP 322.4
    hatred of those unable to force, should not surprise TDG 371.5
    healthy, soul is taught aright by 1MCP 323.1
    impressed less in those who refuse light TMK 243.3
    jurisdiction over another’s 2MCP 709.0
       pure and sensitive UL 32.3
       tender; hear faintest whisper of Jesus TDG 284.2
    laws to force,