EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Conscience   [485]
    persecution awaits persons who would fearlessly serve God according to AA 431
    right of every man to worship God according to GC 252;2SM 334;
    will must be trained to obey FE 57
    worship God according to 6T 101
4. Other people’s
    criterion for, one person’s conscience is not to be 4T 62
    do not try to be Ev 216;4T 61;
    God does not wish any person to be CG 429
    God has appointed no man to be TM 477
    men will seek to compel DA 763
    men will think to force DA 630
    no man is to be CD 463;Ev 373;8T 232;
    no man or class of men should be TM 208
    no man’s mind or power should control and rule 1BC 1107;Ed 288;
    not given church leaders to command TM 295
    observance of true Sabbath should not be secured by compelling 7BC 977
    persons who attempt to coerce, daring impiety of PK 186
    person who seeks to be, places himself above God 9T 234
    persons who would be, warning to TM 295
    persons who would regulate, harm done by 3T 116