EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Consolation Christ’s ministry of, Christians may share in MB 13    [17]
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    Christians can impart, because Comforter is with them WM 26
    found by prayer and trusting in God PP 687
    human hearts everywhere need DA 640
    ministry of, through suffering Christ obtained MB 13
    must be received from Christ 2SM 266
    re true state of the dead AA 258
    See also Comfort
    Christ’s footprints followed in bringing HP 225.3
    Ellen White
       little; J. N. Andrews knew Source TDG 348.2
       received, from God not from friendship of world TDG 302.7
    heavenly, dearth of, in suffering of worldlings TDG 264.4
    looking at self prevents seeing, in the cross 2MCP 811.1
    mother offered words of TDG 39.2
    pointing another to Christ brings OHC 64.5
    truth a OHC 33.4
    See also Comfort
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