EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Corinthian church appeals to, to give liberally AA 344;6BC 1103;    [14]
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    collection begun in, Titus finished 6BC 1103
    dangerous practices in AA 319-21
    deplorable spiritual condition of AA 300;6BC 1082-3;
       Apollos grieved by AA 280
       false teachers caused AA 300;6BC 1082-3;
       caused by Judaizing teachers 1SM 236
    Lord’s Supper perverted by 6BC 1090
    membership of, Gentiles formed major part of 6BC 1082
    Paul organized AA 274
    Paul raised up AA 350;Ev 327-8;
    Paul received letters from AA 300;5T 684;
    report of Chloe’s family re AA 300, 302;5T 65, 684;
    tares sown in AA 299
    Titus labored for AA 323-4;6BC 1103;
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