EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Covenant   [419]
4. Christ as Angel (Messenger) of CM 18;DA 161;GC 424;PP 496;8T 179;
    appeared to Moses at burning bush PP 252
    in pillar of cloud over Israel 7BC 927-8;PP 311, 396, 496;
    speaks to men DA 34;PK 700;
    talked to Gideon 2BC 1003;PP 547;
    wrestled with Jacob MB 11, 62;PP 197;
5. Everlasting (eternal)
    accepted by faith from Adam’s time till Christ’s death PP 370-1
    covenant of mercy is called 7BC 934
    delivered to God’s people shortly before second advent EW 34;GC 640;LS 102;1SM 75;
    God’s people must be loyal to MM 123
    made by God with Abraham PP 370
    of grace, Christ’s atonement forever sealed 7BC 933
    people of earth have broken 1T 356
    persons who have broken 9T 267
       Christian’s duty before 4BC 1148
    promises of, assurance that God will fulfill PK 581
    rainbow’s relationship to 1BC 1091
    Sabbath as sign that men place themselves under 6T 350
    Sabbath observance’s relationship to 7BC 981;MM 123;