EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Covenant   [419]
    compared and contrasted with old 7BC 931
    conditions for gaining eternal life under, are same as those under the old 7BC 931
    covenant of grace became, when ratified by Christ PP 371
    established on: better promises PP 372
       God’s promise of forgiveness of sins PP 372
       God’s promise of grace to renew heart PP 372
    eternal life promised by, on condition of fidelity to God’s law PP 370
    faith and God’s law under, relationship between PP 373
    foundation of 1SM 212
    God’s law as related to PP 373;1SM 212;
    God’s promise in, to bring man’s heart into harmony with His law PP 372
       to write His law in man’s heart DA 329;MB 50;SC 60;
    is arrangement for bringing men again into harmony with God’s will PP 371
    Lord’s Supper as related to DA 659;Ev 276;
    men are placed by, where they can obey God’s law PP 371
    minister of, we look to Christ as DA 166
    Negroes are to be included in 7T 223
    patriarchs received hope of salvation through PP 370
    perfect obedience is required by 7BC 931
    promise of, how God fulfills SC 60