EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Covetousness EW 266-9    [172]
    constant practice of systematic benevolence weakens 3T 548
    continual giving starves, to death 3T 548
    conversation with, among ministers 2T 623
    dangerous to spirituality 3T 549
    deadens perceptions PP 496
    Decalogue forbids PP 309;SD 65;
    defilement of, how to keep heart and hands from CH 410;4T 574;
    deprives men of heavenly treasure CS 118;2T 666;
    development of Christian character is hindered by CS 19
    discontent created in families by PP 497
    disease of, blasts soul 2SM 186
    dreadful evil of, safeguard provided by God against 3T 548
    eats out: spirituality and life of God’s people 1T 141
       vitals of God’s people SD 264;3T 405;
    envy and hatred of the poor is excited against the rich by PP 497
    especially offensive to God SC 30;5T 337;
    exhibition of, grieves angels 2T 239
    feelings of, grieve Spirit AA 72
    foul blot upon church’s purity GC 44
    fruit of spirit of devils 2SG 226;1T 188;