EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Cross, Crosses   [540]
    call men’s attention to TM 220
    calls for unreserved consecration PP 188
    center of all teaching and study should be MH 460
    center of attraction should be MYP 137-8
    center of hope for humanity is 8T 206
    central pillar on which “far more exceeding weight of glory” hangs AA 560
    challenge of 6BC 1113
    challenges every hellish power SD 242
    Christ died on, because God’s law could not be changed to save sinners DA 762-3
    Christ endured, for joy set before Him DA 410, 490;FE 403;SC 77;
    Christ paid on, redemption price for lost world 5T 603
    Christ’s death on: is measure of soul’s value COL 196;8T 28-9;
       opened way for man to come to God FE 251-2
       self-denial should not be regarded as hardship in view of 9T 54
    Christ’s sacrifice on, Spirit presents to speaker TM 144
       Spirit seeks to draw men’s attention to GW 286
    Christ’s self-sacrificing love was revealed upon 9T 254
    Christ’s sufferings on, youth should consider MYP 16-7
    Christ’s voice crying from, heard among the dead DA 787
    Christ’s yoke is easy because He bore its weight on 6T 247