EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Cross, Crosses   [540]
       soul’s true value can be estimated only in AA 273;COL 196;FE 205, 214;2T 634-5;8T 28-9;TM 185, 280;
    light of gospel from, encourages liberality 9T 254
    light reflected from: indicates greater work must be done by God’s people 5T 383
       rebukes selfishness 9T 254
       significance given to whole Jewish economy by GW 118
       writing of God revealed by AA 333
    light shining from: educate your soul to abide in MH 253
       nature can be rightly interpreted in MH 462;8T 325;
       nature’s teaching can be read aright only in Ed 101
       true Christianity appears pure and lovely in GC 566-7
    light streaming from, Bible must be studied in 5BC 1137;GW 315;
    look by faith to, for salvation PP 432
    looking often upon, effects of MB 128
    looking rightly to, results of WM 296-7
    love and selfishness stood face to face at DA 57
    love expressed on, should be revived 9T 256
    love of Christ shines from AA 209
    love that Christ manifested by dying on, cherish 9T 193
    man could have no union with Father without AA 209
    man is brought near to God by AA 209