EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    oppression of those who disagree was not the attitude of CC 251.3
    prayer of,
       aloud OHC 357.3
       confession and humility in, without excuses TMK 238.4
       for his people CC 256
       given for our instruction and encouragement TMK 271.2
       three times a day for us as essential as for RC 207.5
       unafraid; God closed the lions’ mouths LHU 368.6
    pride of holiness not shown by, yet called beloved 3SM 353.3
    promise of God not taken by, as release from responsibility TMK 271.2
    prophecies of, glory of, available for us 3SM 390.5
       and uprightness shown by TMK 247.3
       (be determined) as, not to defile soul or body OHC 244.3
       in actions of; be steady and persevering 1MCP 105.0
    refused the king’s food rather than rationalizing UL 83.3
    sanctification shown by Mar 235.3
    saved those who later tried to destroy him CC 251.4
    stewardship of, reason God regarded him as a man LHU 366.3
    students to be like; God gave him wisdom 1MCP 358.3