EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    confession of sin by 4BC 1172
    conscious of his amenability to God CT 283;FE 230;
    could not be turned aside from his course of integrity MYP 27-8
    cultivated every faculty so as to best represent God MYP 34
    Cyrus the Great showed marked respect for PK 557
    dared not trust his own moral power SL 20
    deliverance of, from den of lions created favorable impression on Cyrus PK 557
    destruction of, devils planned PK 540
    determination of, to honor God MYP 150
    devoted servant of Most High SL 52
    did not act presumptuously re temperance PK 483
    did not claim to be pure and holy GC 470
    did not flee from world to avoid its corrupting influence 4T 569
    did not hesitate to acknowledge God as source of his wisdom 7T 151
    did not walk in sparks of his own kindling FE 194
    diet of, was plain, simple, and nutritious FE 227
    diligent effort made by, to secure knowledge FE 374
    diligent in study 4BC 1167;MYP 147;
    educated and trained all his powers for God’s service FE 230
    enemies of, confessed they could find no fault in him PK 546