EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Darkness/Gloom/Shadows   [179]
       slowness of church to impart truth to world in TDG 51.3
       withstand, by righteousness of Christ TMK 346.5
       words of courage fortify soul to withstand OHC 296.3
    moral faculties clouded by disease cause RC 161.2
    none left in, who is willing to hear and understand UL 143.3
    none who search Word sincerely, walk in UL 21.5
    not the will of God that we should be under TMK 140.4
    obedience refused results in OHC 16.6
    obstruction between the soul and God causes OHC 26.2
    powers/forces of,
       accepting Christ requires war with HP 259.2
       against those reproving sin in last days TMK 183.2
       courage fails looking on TMK 284.3
       every soul must meet TMK 192.2
       fear of, turned to rejoicing OHC 311.3
       God is with those fighting HP 327.5
       hour of UL 365.3
       indifferent ones will be victims of Mar 217.7
       keep rising above; singing expels Satan 3SM 332.1
       meeting and rebuking UL 289.3