EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Darkness/Gloom/Shadows   [179]
       overcome through prayer OHC 129.3
       prevented from hurting followers of Christ TMK 253.5
       restrained until warning is given HP 351.5
       standing individually against HP 48.3
       will unite against God in His saints 3SM 416.3
       See also Angels, evil
    prayer and faith in time of OHC 126.2
    pressing back, with Christ’s strength HP 328.5
    professed Christian world is enveloped in HP 96.3
       claimed to press through LHU 273.2
       given in a world of OHC 10.2
    recovery is slow from; slaves with debased habits SW 29.2
    refusing light brings, in proportion to light given TMK 244.4
    refusing to tolerate Satan’s 1MCP 21.1
    removal from, for those following light given TDG 342.2
    responsibility of one addressed for TDG 295
       casts, to obscure God’s character FW 60.3
       glorified by UL 306.3