EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    man of: firmness and humility 4aSG 85
       keenest temperament 3BC 1146
    managed things with wisdom and skill PP 651
    memory of King Saul and Jonathan tenderly regarded by PP 697
    mistakes of, in prosperity 4aSG 92
    most humiliating defeat of PP 716
    mused while fire burned, then spoke of God’s love MB 43
    musicians organized into 24 courses by 3BC 1128
    not faultless in character PP 636
    oath God made to 1T 203
    opportunity given to, for voice training 2BC 1018
       to cultivate talent for music and poetry 2BC 1018
    overcome repeatedly by tempter PP 746;4T 12;
    pardon sought from God by, and not from human priest 5T 639
    parental indulgence of, in training Adonijah PP 749
    people greatly loved and honored 4aSG 86
    peril of, greatest in time of greatest outward triumph PP 716
    Philistine kindness repaid with deception by 2BC 1022
    polygamy practiced by PP 668;4aSG 86-7;