EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    judgments of God upon, because of his sin PP 722;4aSG 87;
    death of Bathsheba’s first child by PP 722
    lived in apparent security a whole year after his fall PP 723
    fourfold judgment meted out to PP 727, 750
    four sons of, doomed to die PP 727
    Amnon’s crime not rebuked or avenged by, for two years PP 727-8
    twofold judgment had been meted out to PP 727
    Amnon’s death lamented by PP 727
       Universalist teaching re GC 537-8
    Absalom fled from, after slaying Amnon PP 727
    Absalom estranged from, two years PP 728
    Absalom and, Joab’s effort to reconcile PP 728-9
    Absalom’s rebellion against Ed 164;MB 11;PP 729-31;4aSG 89;
    bodyguard of, personnel of PP 731
    Ahithophel deserted PP 735
    fled from Jerusalem Ed 164;MB 11;PP 731-6;4aSG 90;
    Shimei cursed 2BC 1024;PP 736;4aSG 90-1;
    craving of, for water from well of Bethlehem PP 736;4aSG 91;
    water brought from Bethlehem’s well to PP 736-7;4aSG 91;5T 43;
    Hushai sent secret message to PP 741