EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Death   [434]
    doctrine that the righteous go to their reward at, not supported by Scriptures GC 549-50
    doctrine that the wicked go to their punishment at, not supported by Scriptures GC 549-50
    dominion of, Satan’s power exercised in EW 164
    Dorcas restored to life from AA 132 See also Dorcas
    end of, for the righteous 6BC 1093
    errors of spiritualism re EW 86-91, 262-6;GC 551-62;PP 675-89;SR 393-8;
       See also Spiritualism
    face to face with, cherished fallacies that vanish when sinners come MYP 89
    faith is mightier conqueror than MH 62
    faithful minister’s, may accomplish what his life failed to do AA 418
    fashionable, people who die 4aSG 142
    fear of, lost by Stephen before persecutors AA 100
       that overcomes faith in God PK 174
    first, that Adam witnessed PP 62, 68;SR 50-1, 55;
    first human, was that of Abel PP 74-7, 82;3SG 51;SR 55;
    fraud perpetuated after 4T 481
    friends separated by, united at second advent EW 16, 287;GC 645;LS 66;2SG 33;1T 60;
    God did not create 5T 503
    great, Switzerland swept in 1519 by GC 179
    hope of the faithful who fall in, before Christ comes LS 266