EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Death   [434]
       unbarred by Christ for man 4T 387
    promise for persons who suffer, for Christ’s sake DA 669
    rapid increase of, since Adam fell 3T 162-3
    reveal Christ’s meekness even unto DA 354
    righteous persons do not go to heaven immediately after GC 546, 550
    risk of, people of God face 7BC 975
    road to MB 138-40
    salvation cannot be obtained after COL 263
    Satan cannot hold men in, when Christ bids them live DA 320
    Satan led men to look upon, as from God DA 471
    Satan’s lie re, told to Eve EW 218;GC 531-4, 538;PP 54-5, 685;
    seeds of, never planted in human system by Christ 1BC 1082;2SM 288;
       planted in man’s system by Satan when Adam sinned 1BC 1082;2SM 288;
    self-control stronger than, Christ exercised DA 117
    selfishness that chills people to 3T 528
    sentence of: falls on Christ instead of repentant sinner 1BC 1086
       men are under, for disobedience MM 168
       sin has placed whole world under 6BC 1076
    shadow of: guardian angels accompany the redeemed in Ed 305
       how to have peace amid PP 657