EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Deception, Deceptions/Deceit/Delusion, Delusions   [161]
    accepted almost universally LDE 170
    acts of, with their motives, noted in God’s book OHC 283.3
    Adam and Eve would have avoided, by confirming trust TSB 50.2
    angels (evil) as humans in LDE 160
    age of; Satan not to be extolled TDG 258.2
    aim of enemy; miracles done by disobedient ones NL 56.2
    angels before creation heard same, as heard today UL 135.4, 338.2
    apostasy of Satan has TDG 16.4
    appears heavenly UL 95.2
    assigned to frustrate those choosing the Lord’s side HP 19.6
    attractions of, to increase Mar 204.2
    calmness needed when facing those upholding LHU 167.4
    Christ never used; law of kindness was on His lips TMK 156.4
    Christianity covering for LDE 155
    come unawares UL 135.4
    coming, shown to Ellen White; miracle-working power of Satan 3SM 114.3
    conflict with, prophecy points to sure result of TDG 198.4
       sold for gain PM 148.1
       unenlightened leads into 1MCP 323.5