EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Deception, Deceptions/Deceit/Delusion, Delusions   [161]
       laws given to Israelites were LHU 160.5
       leaning on the divine arm UL 149.5
       light received and given TDG 147.4
       standard lifted for trusting ones TDG 199.3
       truth loved OHC 210.4
       truth of Jesus TMK 301.4
       Word of God studied HP 350.3;OHC 210.3;
       wisdom from the Lord for SDAs HP 347.2
    punishment of those who join Satan in LHU 158.5
    put away, to enter heaven TDG 108.5
    rejecting warnings brings UL 115.5
    religious world will mostly fall in 3SM 114.3
    remove, from minds and impress for righteousness VSS 208.1
    responsibility for own, because Scriptures neglected Mar 290.5
    sanctification claimed while trampling God’s law is FW 29.2
       gives people his spirit to be used in TDG 312.4
       has come with power for 3SM 396.1
       used, in tempting Christ Con 38
       uses every, to seduce people OHC 347.2