EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Degraded persons
cannot help themselves
6T 279
Christianity makes strong bond of union between minister and
AA 460
firm, patient, earnest effort needed to lift up
6T 279
first need of, physical help
6T 259
denominational funds not to be used for
6T 246
means to be gathered from world for
6T 246
much painstaking effort needed in
6T 259
must not be principal and all-important work
8T 160
med. miss. work will save some
WM 131
miss. work will turn many, to Christ
6T 260
need to see claims of God’s law
6T 259
point, tenderly to Christ
6T 259
power of Christ transforms, into messengers of righteousness
DA 341;MH 99;
problems met in miss. work for
8T 184
some, will become valuable workers for Christ
6T 260
startling communication of strange doctrine not to be made to
6T 259