EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Delusion, Delusions acceptance of, rejection of light leads to PP 96    [88]
    no stronger, than profession of faith that continues in sin 1T 407;TM 451;
    Noah’s message regarded as PP 96
    of belief that: living closest to God leads to backsliding 1T 71
       some good is gained from worldly amusements 2T 143
       there is no personal devil MYP 59;1T 295;
    of depending on appearance as means of success in God’s work 7T 93
    of last days: church members who will be deceived by 6T 424-5
       multitudinous COL 414;PK 717;
       Satan’s working plainly revealed by COL 414
       Testimonies given to save God’s people from GW 308;1SM 31, 48;8T 298;
       truth should stand out plainly amidst 8T 153
       will be many 6T 425
    of man-made tests for ascertaining God’s will, infatuation of 2SM 28
    of men drawing away from God while believing they are right and in light 1T 333
    of mistaking feeling for faith Ev 597
    of mistaking form of godliness for power thereof 2T 395
    of obsession for getting money 1T 697
    of progression 4aSG 154-6
    of these perilous times, God’s word is safeguard against 1T 344-5
    people who have no shield against GC 523