EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Delusion, Delusions acceptance of, rejection of light leads to PP 96    [88]
       existed everywhere in apostolic times AA 553;SL 62;
       false claims will be urged through 2SM 49
       men will attempt to bring in Ev 360
       ministers in danger of going into 5T 214
       money gained through AA 213
       must be clearly and intelligently met with God’s word 4T 415
       of fanatics 2SM 27
    Scriptures are safeguard against EW 220;1SM 228;
    setting time for second advent brings 1T 73 See also Time setting
    some believers will fall into Ev 593-4
    souls whom Satan views as impregnable to TM 18
    some people will accept one, after another Ev 594
    soul-destroying, spiritualism is one of most successful SR 394
    specious, belief that God is essence pervading nature is MM 96
    spiritualism’s, be prepared to meet EW 262
    strong: following spirit of prophecy will keep God’s people from accepting GW 308
       love and obedience to truth keep believer from accepting 8T 298
       persons who will give themselves over to believe 4T 595
       press against current of worldliness and ambition if you would not be subject to 5T 340
       working of Satan’s EW 43-5