EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Devil, devils (evil angels) accidents caused by, to destroy gospel workers 1T 347    [319]
    persecution inspired against God’s people by EW 221-2
    persons over whom, exult Ev 594
    persons possessed of, Christ imparted life to DA 823
       should hear God’s voice through His people WM 22
    persons rent by, Christ’s feelings re DA 823
    pleasures used by, to ensnare souls CT 281
    plot of: against God’s law EW 215-6
       to destroy Daniel PK 540, 543-4
       to make Garden of Eden their home SR 28
    power given by Christ to resist 9T 22
    power of: angels guard subjects of God’s grace against PP 65
       angels guard (protect) the faithful from EW 60, 127, 152, 283;2SG 277-8;
       angels restrain 7BC 967
       angels wrench struggling souls from 1T 301
       over children may be broken by parents’ prayers CT 118
       over men in their disobedience GC 516-7;1SM 94;
       protection of the faithful against GC 517
       subject to Christ’s control DA 341
    power to cast out, man who thought he had 2SM 45
    predictions made by, sometimes come to pass GC 552;SR 394;1T 364;