EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Devil, devils (evil angels) accidents caused by, to destroy gospel workers 1T 347    [319]
       miracles will be wrought by men under 7BC 939
       over Medo-Persian rulers 1T 295
       will be felt in popular churches GC 604
    innumerable host of, crowding popular churches EW 274
    intelligence of GC 513
    intercourse with, youth who hold MYP 276
    Judas Iscariot was possessed by DA 645
    judged by the righteous during millennium EW 291;GC 660-1;
    Laodiceans who will be left to control of 2SG 226;1T 187;
    large number of, sinned 9T 21
    last struggle of, against God at close of millennium EW 293-4;GC 663-4;3SG 85;
    leagued together for dishonor of God and destruction of man GC 513
    led into rebellion by power of a lie 6T 190
    legion of, company of no less than GC 514
    legions of: aid Satan in his work 2T 287
       around Christ on Calvary 2T 214-5
       enclosed Christ in Gethsemane DA 693
       Satan will call to his aid, to wrest one soul from Christ 1T 345-6
       used by Satan against God’s work 4T 210
       watching for opportunity to get hold of human minds SD 196